A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux


This engine is a complete disaster. It is no longer maintained and is not recommended for anyone to use.
Instead, I'd recommend you to check my new project - Lustra!


I must admit... There was a lot of work put into this project. It became something working and something that is possible to make games with... I love it, despite the bad code, strange architecture and awful optimization. It's a work of art in some perspective. This was a long lasting journey that will continue with my Lustra. 3Dev gave me a lot of experience, it gave us Bloodbath, but everything related to it is unmaintainable...

You can try to use it if you want. It's an interesting engine.


  • Physically Based Rendering
  • Deferred + Forward (for transparency) rendering
  • Rigid body physics
  • Good animation system
  • Skeletal animations support
  • HDR
  • Post-processing: ACES tonemapping, FXAA, Physically based bloom, SSAO, Deferred decals, Simple Depth Of Field, Screen Space Reflections, Screen Space Global Illumination, Layered fog (affected by SSGI), Eye adaptation
  • Multithreading: parallel texture loading
  • Shadow mapping
  • Diffuse, normal, metalness, emission, roughness, ambient occlusion and opacity maps
  • 3D audio
  • User interface with TGUI
  • Separate console program for scene or animation rendering
  • Scripting with Angelscript
  • 3Dev Editor

Latest changelog


Tools included

  • 3Dev Editor
  • 3Dev Render
  • Launcher
  • GUI builder
  • FFmpeg (for animations rendering)

Where to learn?

Here's the "constantly" updating tutorials!  

(RUS) https://telegra.ph/Razrabotka-igr-s-pomoshchyu-3Dev-01-06

(ENG) https://1kuso4ek1.github.io/3Dev/

You can also just take a look at this project: https://github.com/1Kuso4ek1/FPSController - that's a pretty good template!

Made with 3Dev!

P.S. if you downloaded and tried 3Dev, please write a review! It will really help me improve the engine. If you noticed a critical issue, please go here and describe it in as much detail as possible. Thanks!

Updated 22 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags3D, angelscript, Game engine, GitHub, Open Source



Install instructions

  • Download .zip file
  • Unpack it
  • Read README.txt
  • Do whatever you like with all those .dll/.so
  • On linux you will need GLIBC >= 2.38 - sorry :3